Browsing the "Fullmetal Alchemist" Tag

Tetsuya Shibata Profile

March 10, 2013 by Chris Greening

Once the sound manager of Capcom, the Devil May Cry 3 and 4 composer now produces music through his own company, Unique Note

Yoshino Aoki Profile

March 3, 2013 by Chris Greening

Ex-Capcom composer and Unique Note co-founder known for her work on the Breath of Fire and Mega Man franchises

Masaharu Iwata Profile

January 20, 2013 by Chris Greening

Best known as Hitoshi Sakimoto's right-hand man, but also worked in leading roles on Baroque, Evolution, and Tactics Ogre

Hitoshi Sakimoto Profile

January 20, 2013 by Chris Greening

Basiscape's head has shown his individuality on RPGs (Final Fantasy XII, Vagrant Story) and shooters (Magical Chase, Radiant SIlvergun) alike

Junya Nakano Profile

June 8, 2011 by Chris Greening

The underused artist behind Threads of Fate developed a distinctive style that focused more on timbres and rhythms than melodies

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