About Us

Welcome to VGMO -Video Game Music Online-! This site is focused on offering journalistic coverage for a wide variety of game music. In particular, we specialise in daily news, high-quality reviews, insightful interviews, and comprehensive artist profiles. We’ll keep you informed with what’s going on with game music and where the field is heading.

VGMO comes from the same staff team behind the now-defunct SEMO. Quality, variety, and integrity are all especially important to us all. We’ll critically evaluate for game music on a range of levels — as entertainment and art, in context and stand-alone — while celebrating the diversity and creativity of the field as a whole. We’ll also keep putting the spotlight on the emerging composers, indie releases, classic albums, and concert productions.

Now that we’ve launched, we’d love to welcome some new reviewers and reporters on board, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re interested in becoming staff or casually contributing. We’re also keen to make new ties with composers, game companies, and record labels, so please contact us if you’re interested. We hope you enjoy the site. Thanks for visiting and hope to see you again!

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