Overdrive Hell 18 -Hizumi Heaven tRaders of the Lost Cash-

 odh18 Album Title:
Overdrive Hell 18 -Hizumi Heaven tRaders of the Lost Cash-
Record Label:
Troubadour Record
Catalog No.:
Release Date:
April 25, 2015
Buy at Sweep Record


overdrive hell 18 – Hizumi Heaven tRaders of the Lost Cash is the eighteenth iteration in a series of hardcore and experimental electronic EPs featuring Ayako Saso and Shinji Hosoe. In addition, a new composer, X, who has yet to be identified, returns to the fray. While not for everyone, it does feature some interesting music for those fans of this style of electronic music. All of the themes on this album feature track titles inspired by the Indiana Jones series. How does this album compare to the previous entries in the ongoing series?


The first tune, “Lesson.79 tRaders of the lost cash” is a remix of the iconic Indiana Jones theme. Turning it into a dance tune with hardcore beats, with some original sections that are heavy on the vocal samples, it’s a fairly accessible tune that blends orchestra as well as the hardcore beats, vocal samples, and sound effects the series is known for. “Lesson.83 Orders of the Roast Pork” reprises the Indiana Jones main theme, although turning it into a synth driven melody, rather than brass, and features an ever increasing tempo of hardcore beats.

“Lesson.80 Banging in Whip” is a less melodic tune, focusing on a more experimental approach. There is an interesting flow to the progression of the tune, but might not be a fan favorite. “Lesson.81 Snake and Sneak” is more hardcore in nature, but features a fun melody, sharp synths, and some exotic vocal samples.

Of all the tunes on this release, I find that “Lesson.82 Ride in this Waterfall” to be the most intriguing. It’s another experimental tune, similar to “Lesson.80,” but is also much more successful. The heavy beats in the tune, mixed with its slower tempo, create a militaristic, almost industrial, vibe. Mix that with the sections featuring quirky sections, and you have a tune that flows quite interestingly.


While the overdrive hell series has generally not been for the faint of heart, this album, like its direct predecessor, is fairly accessible among the various CDs in the series. There is more focus on trying to create something musically pleasing to listen to while at the same time keeping the core aspects of the series intact. It’s a nice blend of musical ideas and is a strong entry in the series.

Overdrive Hell 18 -Hizumi Heaven tRaders of the Lost Cash- Don Kotowski

Do you agree with the review and score? Let us know in the comments below!


Posted on July 22, 2015 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on July 21, 2015.

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About the Author

Currently residing in Philadelphia. I spend my days working in vaccine characterization and dedicate some of my spare time in the evening to the vast world of video game music, both reviewing soundtracks as well as maintaining relationships with composers overseas in Europe and in Japan.

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