Nanosweep 23
Album Title: Nanosweep 23 |
Record Label: Nanosounds, Supersweep |
Catalog No.: NS-023 |
Release Date: December 31, 2016 |
Purchase: Buy at Sweep Record |
NanoSweep is an ongoing series of original music that was initiated in 2004 by various members of NanoSounds and SuperSweep. It usually features members from each of these companies and occasionally a guest composer. This is the twenty-third original album and features compositions by Hiroshi Okubo, Shinji Hosoe, Ayako Saso, Fumihisa Tanaka, and Takahiro Eguchi. How does this album fare as a whole?
Hiroshi Okubo opens up the album with “Air Vibration, featuring a heavy focus on percussion and distorted synth work. Overall, there’s a nice futuristic vibe with some atmospheric sections, some Middle Eastern influence in the accompaniment at times, and an industrial sound. Shinji Hosoe’s “Repeated Life” is a more hard techno inspired affair that has a club feel to it. There is modulated synth that helps give it a bit more of an industrial tone as well with the end result being quite enjoyable. Ayako Saso’s “Aerial Cloud” is a dance tune with jazzy undertones. It also contains some vocals that give it more a disco/soul influence while the horn solo accentuates the jazzy feeling of the electronic sounds.
With Nanosweep23, the end result is a bit mixed. While most of the tunes are enjoyable, it doesn’t feel as cohesive as some of the other tunes. There are certainly some standout pieces for sure, but most don’t particularly reach the same level. It’s still recommended for fans of the series, but if you are looking to get into the series of albums under this moniker, this one might not be the one I’d start with.
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Posted on April 3, 2017 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on April 3, 2017.