Final Fantasy IV Original Sound Version

Final Fantasy IV Original Sound Version Album Title:
Final Fantasy IV Original Sound Version
Record Label:
NTT Publishing
Catalog No.:
N23D-001 (1st Edition); NTCP-5014 (2nd Edition)
Release Date:
June 14, 1991; October 1, 2004
Buy at CDJapan


Anyone who has played Final Fantasy IV would know that along with this immensely enjoyable game, an equally impressive soundtrack accompanies it. For those who haven’t had the chance to play the game, I strongly urge you to give it a chance, and to approach the soundtrack with an open mind. It was through this album that I recognized Nobuo Uematsu’s talent.


This is a concatenation of well-thought out tracks that have a medieval style to them. Many times we find that a successful game usually has a stunning soundtrack that runs along side of it. Final Fantasy IV is one of those instances. Each piece complements its respective scene fittingly in the game and the emotion embedded within some of the themes like “Theme of Love” or “Rydia” will leave you spellbound and hoping for more.

All the kingdom themes have a powerful and majestic ring to them along with their individual character. The theme “Fabul” used to bother me, due the harsh sounds from the first few notes. You will know what I’m talking about once you’ve heard it. I never grow tired of listening to “Giott, the Great King” in the Dwarven Kingdom and “Troian Beauty.” The first is somewhat catchy and fun to listen to and the latter is relaxing as it evokes the image that people picture as their perfect place.

This is not performed by the London Symphony Orchestra; instead it is your old fashion SNES style music. The soundtrack will say ‘Original Sound Version’ on it, which is basically the translation for ‘MIDI’. With the technology that exists out there today, you can’t expect to compare something that came out over 10 years ago.


This is one of the games and soundtracks that people skip over, especially if they didn’t grow up playing it during the time of the release. I don’t believe that this was one of my favorites solely because I grew up with it, but that it was actually a huge achievement for video game music. Final Fantasy IV was the beginning of even greater things to come. Every composer has their ups and downs, but as wonderful as this soundtrack was, the ones following this one were even more impressive. All great things had to have started off somewhere and, if you’re a true Uematsu fan you’ll give all his creations a chance.

Final Fantasy IV Original Sound Version Sophia Tong

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Posted on August 1, 2012 by Sophia Tong. Last modified on August 1, 2012.

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