Overdrive Hell 21 -Hizumi Heaven Everyone’s Songs-

 hzmt021 Album Title:
Overdrive Hell 21 -Hizumi Heaven Everyone’s Songs-
Record Label:
Troubadour Record
Catalog No.:
Release Date:
April 23, 2016
Buy at Sweep Record


overdrive hell 21 – Hizumi Heaven Everyone’s Songs – is the twenty first iteration in a series of hardcore and experimental electronic EPs featuring Ayako Saso and Shinji Hosoe. While not for everyone, it does feature some interesting music for those fans of this style of electronic music. All of the themes on this album feature track titles inspired by the popular NHK TV and Radio program, Minna no Uta. In addition, this album features returning vocals by DeathmotoDie-s K a.k.a MMDS How does this album compare to the previous entries in the ongoing series?


“Lesson.94 Acorn is dead” features heavy beats and bright synths in the accompaniment. The melody itself is pretty decent and the vocals give a heavier sound. During the softer breakdown, ethereal synth is combined with guttural vocals, making for an interesting combination, but one that is also a bit jarring as well. “Lesson.95 Grandma is a hacker” features a heavier electronic sound that also features guttural vocals. It’s a bit less interesting melodically speaking but definitely fitting for the sereise. In addition, there is a calmer section that features spoken word and some distortion effects that give it a bit of a “cyber” sound.

“Lesson.96 Dona Dona Redshoes” is the most diverse of all the tunes on the album. Featuring electronic distortion, ethnic soundscapes, and a single piano key being played, it’s a bit more intriguing than some of the other tunes on the release. The electronic accompaniment is also quite varied and a bit more uptempo and I feel that that guttural vocals complement the music quite nicely in this instance. “Lesson.97 Rabbit dash turtle neck” starts off on the slower side and has an atmospheric sound before incorporating the heavy electronic beats associated with the EP series. In terms of vocals, it’s a blend of guttural and higher pitched vocals, with an emphasis on the latter. It’s an intriguing piece. Lastly, “Lesson.98 Hopping grandfather” features heavy beats mixed with rock elements to give an extremely exhilarating sound. The vocals help give it more of a metal edge as well. It’s one of the better pieces on the album.


In the end, overdrive hell 21: Hizumi Heaven Everyone’s Songs continues where the last one left off, in terms of continuing the addition of vocals, however, mileage may vary as I feel some of the tunes on this one don’t benefit as much from the vocals as the last album. There are still some interesting tunes to be had, but the end result is just middle of the road.

Overdrive Hell 21 -Hizumi Heaven Everyone’s Songs- Don Kotowski

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Posted on July 19, 2016 by Don Kotowski. Last modified on July 19, 2016.

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About the Author

Currently residing in Philadelphia. I spend my days working in vaccine characterization and dedicate some of my spare time in the evening to the vast world of video game music, both reviewing soundtracks as well as maintaining relationships with composers overseas in Europe and in Japan.

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